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Oliver's Sponsorship Page

Meet Oliver, one of two new residents at the Mikey & Me Kennels for Happy Days Rescue.  Oliver is 1-2 years old, he appears to be an Australian Shepherd mix, and he weighs just 35 pounds. Oliver is a happy and spunky little guy and he absolutely loves it when he’s getting attention from our volunteer members. He walks nicely on leash, enjoys playing with toys, and is an all around fun dog.

Oliver has his first Vet appointment scheduled where he will be microchipped, fully vaccinated, and he will have a heart worm test to ensure his good health. I will be making an appt. to have him neutered in the coming days.

If you would like to meet Oliver, please submit an adoption application under his name at


Happy Days Dog and Cat Rescue microchips all dogs and cats before adoption. Microchips are implanted between the shoulder blades and are another form of identification should the animal get lost. The microchips are registered to    Happy Days Dog and Cat Rescue. The adopter's information is added once the adoption is complete. The adopter is responsible for a $19.99/Year registration fee or a $45.00/Lifetime registration fee to change information.    Dogs and Cats still need to have collar with tags should they get lost.

Oliver's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
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  Sponsor $

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Recurring Sponsorship
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